Voting for us on our voting sites will get you awesome perks, tokens & more!
For every vote you make for our server, you'll receive a base level of 25 tokens, which can be increased up to 100 tokens by voting!
For the first 150 votes you make, the amount of tokens you get from voting will increase by 1 every 6 votes, and after you've made 150 votes the tokens you get will increase by 1 every 18 votes you make.
Voting 6 times in a day will also give you a key for the Vote Crate!
Vote Party
Every 50 votes made to the server will result in a Vote Party happening!
Each player online when the vote party occurs will receive 3 vote keys!
Voting Milestone
Voting enough times will result in you hitting a vote milestone! These milestones usually occur every 100 votes, and hitting them will get you a special reward!
Heres a list of all the voting milestones and their respective rewards:
100 Votes ⇒ WHITE Sheep Disguise
200 Votes ⇒ YELLOW Sheep Disguise
300 Votes ⇒ GREEN Sheep Disguise
400 Votes ⇒ RED Sheep Disguise
500 Votes ⇒ BLUE Sheep Disguise & Novice Voter Tag
750 Votes ⇒ BLACK Sheep Disguise
1000 Votes ⇒ PINK Sheep Disguise & Top Voter Tag
1250 Votes ⇒ PET Sheep
1500 Votes ⇒ Customizable Pet Sheep & Elite Voter Tag
1750 Votes ⇒ RAINBOW Pet Sheep
2000 Votes ⇒ RAINBOW Sheep Disguise
Monthly Top Voters
If you vote enough times during a month, you might get an extra reward! The 3 players who voted the most during a month will each receive a reward! All 3 players will receive 200 tokens, and the player who voted the most will also receive the Voter Legend Tag!